Sculptra Specialist

Restoring Health Medical Institute, Inc -  - Board Certified Family Physician

Restoring Health Medical Institute, Inc

Board Certified Family Physician & Aesthetic and Wellness Specialist located in Pico-Robertson, Los Angeles, CA & Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Collagen stimulators work to replace lost facial volume by triggering your body’s innate healing ability. At Restoring Health Medical Institute, Inc., David Moossazadeh, DO, offers Sculptra® Aesthetic, a powerful injectable that delivers lasting results at his offices in Rancho Cucamonga and the Pico-Robertson neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. Learn more about this exciting facial contouring option during a one-on-one consultation. Call the office nearest you or book online today.



What causes visible aging?

The primary cause of visible aging is collagen loss. Collagen is the substance that gives young children and young people the rounded, plump contouring often called a “baby face.” 

As you age, you lose much of that collagen. Without the same structural support, your skin begins to sag and pool into folds, lines, and wrinkles. Unfortunately, your body won’t produce new collagen cells without stimulation, and you’ll continue to lose a small amount of collagen each year. 

How does Sculptra Aesthetic work?

Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable that works to gradually replace lost collagen through a series of treatments. It’s a great option for smoothing marionette lines, frown lines, and laugh lines. 

Poly-L-lactic acid, a substance that promotes collagen production, is the primary component in Sculptra. More collagen can also lead to more natural elastin and hyaluronic acid in your skin, both of which also play roles in smooth, rounded facial contouring. 

How long do Sculptra results last?

Unlike dermal fillers that rely solely on the initial effects of adding a gel-like substance to the inner layers of your skin, Sculptra takes a more long term approach. Each injection stimulates your body to produce new collagen cells. 

You’ll receive the immediate effects of the injection, but Sculptra’s real power lies in its ability to prompt new cell growth. While dermal fillers enhance volume for a few months, Sculptra treatments can provide results that last for years. 

No dermal filler delivers a permanent effect. As time passes, you’ll continue to lose collagen, whether it’s the cells you produced in your youth or the ones you generate due to collagen stimulation. But when your results begin to fade, subsequent Sculptra treatments can work to restore lost volume. 

If you have questions or concerns about the role Sculptra might play in your treatment plan, call Restoring Health Medical Institute, Inc. today to book an appointment. You can also request an appointment online.